Lime Pickle Pursuits, Volume #1
We have too many limes... I never thought I'd live anywhere where we had too many limes. And so what to do with too many limes. In keeping with the current preoccupation in our household for Indian food, I have opted for lime pickles. I am currently trialling two versions... one from the wonderful Kurma Dasa and the other I located on line. Not sure why I chose this one, (Amazing Lime Pickle) might have been the large quantities of garlic and the images.
For the "Amazing Lime Pickle" recipe you slice your limes into 8 pieces, then put them with obscene quantities of chilli, garlic and salt. Steam them for 15 minutes and then place them out in the sun for 2 days.
It fills my heart with joy when recipes ask for this... there's not much we have in abundance in Central Australia, but sunshine is one.
At the moment, I've done 1.5 days.